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Wells v Devani 15 February 2019

Supreme Court ruling reinforcing oral agreements. First published on Lexis online.

Download: Wells v Devani

The misty world behind Land Registration 07 February 2019

For Land Registration, the misty world of what one sometimes might wish to describe as reality, should be of limited effect. Despite the aims of the Land Registration Act 2002, however, difficult cases remain. First published in Central London Lawyer.

Download: The misty world behind Land Registration

Ups and Downs of Demises 01 February 2019

Airspace; Leases; Subsoils; Subterranean space. Article first published in L&T Review.

Download: Ups and Downs of Demises

A New Line of Attack? 30 August 2018

A Masterclass in litigation under the new Electronic Communications Code (first published in NLJ July 2018)

Download: A New Line of Attack?

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