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Notice to Quit: s.27 (3) (f) or Case B? 26 November 2019

Joe Ollech alongside Esther Stirling of Harrison Clark Rickerbys consider the recent case of Herefordshire DC v Bayliss and its impact on possession of tenanted land where development is intended. This article appears in Issue 98 of the ALA Bulletin.

Download: Notice to Quit: s.27 (3) (f) or Case B?

Operators and occupiers—rights under the Electronic Communications Code (Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd v Compton Beauchamp Estates Ltd) 21 November 2019

Property Disputes analysis: The Court of Appeal endorsed the test proposed by the Upper Tribunal that an occupier for code purposes is ‘a question of fact rather than legal status; it means physical presence on and control of the land.’ Fern Horsfield-Schonhut, explains why the decision is of practical importance for operators seeking new code rights.

Download: Operators and occupiers—rights under the Electronic Communications Code (Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd v Compton Beauchamp Estates Ltd)

CVAs after the Debenhams decision 06 November 2019

CVAs after the Debenhams decision A note by Stephen Jourdan QC for the Property Litigation Association 31 October 2019

Download: CVAs after the Debenhams decision

Old meets new 16 May 2019

Forfeiture: modern issues with an established remedy. Catherine taskis & Anthony tanney investigate.

Download: Old meets new

The New Electronic Communications Code clarified 07 May 2019

The Upper Tribunal has recently provided helpful clarification of the workings of several aspects of the new Electronic Communications Code (“the Code”) introduced by the Digital Economy Act 2017, which came into force on 28 December 2017.

Download: The New Electronic Communications Code clarified

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