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Charles II and England’s Guantanomo Bay 13 May 2020

Jonathan Gaunt QC has previously hosted a series of legal talks on the following subjects:
  • Shakespeare and Equity – The Conscience of the King
  • Defining the Prerogative - The story of the Case of Proclamations
  • The Wicked Doctor and the Offended Earl – the story of the Star Chamber Decree
  • Five Knights for Freedom – the story of the Petition of Right 1628
  • Charles II and England’s Guantanomo Bay
For the past three weeks we have been resharing these entertaining talks which were delivered by Jonathan previously at the Property Bar Association and the Chancery Bar Association conferences and to the students and members of Lincolns Inn. We hope you have enjoyed taking a step back into history with us.
Please see below the paper on Charles II and England’s Guantanomo Bay.

Download: Charles II and England’s Guantanomo Bay
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