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Russia sanctions and guarantors 11 April 2023

Stephen Jourdan KC and Taylor Briggs review the very recent Celestial Aviation decision and discuss its implications for the situation where there is a sanctioned tenant and a non-sanctioned guarantor.

Download: Russia sanctions and guarantors

Top 3 Cases - March 2023 03 April 2023

In this series of articles, we aim to highlight 3 of the most interesting cases in our field decided in the past month. This month: the Supreme Court on statutory interpretation and the Court of Appeal on party walls and summary assessments of costs.


Top 3 Cases - February 2023 09 March 2023

In this series of articles, we aim to highlight 3 of the most interesting cases in our field decided in the past month. This month: knotweed and nuisance, freehold valuation, and an injunction against urban explorers.


Russian sanctions and court proceedings 02 February 2023

Stephen Jourdan KC and Cecily Crampin discuss the High Court’s decision in PJSC National Bank Trust

Download: Russian sanctions and court proceedings

Top 3 Cases - January 2023 01 February 2023

In this series of articles, we aim to highlight 3 of the most interesting cases in our field decided in the past month. This month we cover three cases from the Court of Appeal, concerning contractual construction and solicitors’ duties of care.


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