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The Landlord & Tenant Act 1954: end of an era? 23 May 2023

With change finally on the horizon, Julia Petrenko and Ashpen Rajah outline the long overdue case for reforming the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954.

Download: The Landlord & Tenant Act 1954: end of an era?

Party wall disputes: in on the Act? 22 May 2023

Jamie Sutherland and Imogen Dodds consider the respective scope of the Party Wall etc Act 1996 & the common law

Download: Party wall disputes: in on the Act?

Top 3 Cases April 2023 10 May 2023

In this series of articles, we aim to highlight 3 of the most interesting cases in our field decided in the past month. This month: costs of proceedings to determine breach of covenant; the limits of Upper Tribunal’s jurisdiction under s.84, and the meaning of ‘live/work’.

Download: Top 3 Cases April 2023

How much is too much? When is use of a right of way excessive? 04 May 2023

How much is too much? When is use of a right of way excessive? The issue “Alteration of property use and increase in traffic over rights of way are common causes of neighbour disputes … [A typical issue is] would the increased intensity of use exceed what is reasonably tolerable and amount to an actionable nuisance?” Thompson v Bee [2009] EWCA Civ 1212 per Mummery LJ @ [1].

Download: How much is too much? When is use of a right of way excessive?

On your marks, get set … Fixed recoverable costs and the intermediate track may be coming to a (property) dispute near you. 03 May 2023

The Civil Procedure Rules Committee has published a preview of the (draft) rules and practice directions which are likely to herald a significant expansion of fixed recoverable costs (FRC) in civil litigation. The new system is multi-layered and contains an elaborate amount of detail. It will certainly need close studying by practitioners

Download: On your marks, get set … Fixed recoverable costs and the intermediate track may be coming to a (property) dispute near you.

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