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Home or Away 07 November 2017

Jurisdictional issues in claims relating to overseas property.

Download: Home or Away

In the Line of Fire 07 November 2017

Breach of trust and related claims against solicitors.

Download: In the Line of Fire

Landlord’s development of retained parts 13 October 2017

It is well recognised that occupying property under a leasehold interest carries inherent risks arising from the fact that other competing, and in some cases superior, interests might interfere with or jeopardise the enjoyment of the premises under such leasehold occupation. Where the leasehold interest is of part of a property or complex in multiple occupation, such risks typically arise from the occupation of the other parts of the property.

Download: Landlord’s development of retained parts

Dilapidations - Topics of the moment 13 October 2017

Leases that impose repairing liability upon tenants create obvious conflicts of interest between landlords and tenants. This conflict has caused disputes over centuries which show no signs of abating.

Download: Dilapidations - Topics of the moment

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