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Index Conference March 2016 10 February 2017

Navigating uncharted procedural waters: dealing with un-cooperative parties, natural justice, privilege and other procedural problems

Download: Index Conference March 2016

Lessons to be learnt from M&S 13 January 2017

Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Limited [2015] UKSC 72 is set to be the leading authority on (i) the law of implied terms, (ii) the operation of break clauses, and (iii) apportionment of rent payable in advance, for some time to come.

Download: Lessons to be learnt from M&S

Mortgages and insolvency 01 December 2016

The task of understanding how such a mortgage is affected by the detailed insolvency regime is not an easy one.

Download: Mortgages and insolvency

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