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‘Writ the ground running’: Updates to the regime for enforcing possession orders 17 August 2020

As the coronavirus crisis abates, and the general stay on possession proceedings imposed originally by PD 51Z and later CPR r.55.29 comes to an end on 23 August, claimants who have obtained possession orders, or obtain them soon after, will soon be able to enforce them. Cecily Crampin and Fern Schofield discuss in their latest article.

Download: ‘Writ the ground running’: Updates to the regime for enforcing possession orders

Property law & the COVID-19 pandemic Part 1 28 July 2020

Phil Sissons takes stock of some of the substantive issues of property law that have resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Download: Property law & the COVID-19 pandemic Part 1

Staying for further explanations 06 July 2020

This article from Cecily Crampin and Imogen Dodds considers whether the new CPR 55.29 has changed the effect of the stay under PD 51Z. In particular, what is the test for its lifting? Is the test exceptional circumstances, as under PD 51Z? Does CPR 55.29 apply if the court has previously lifted the stay, perhaps without considering whether it was right to do so?

Download: Staying for further explanations

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