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Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd v Central Saint Giles General Partner Ltd & Anor

Oliver Radley-Gardner  appeared for the Applicant operator, Cornerstone, in Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd v Central Saint Giles General Partner Ltd & Anor [2019] UKUT 183. The site provider was refusing access for a multi-skill visit (MSV), a necessary anterior step to determining a site’s fitness for installation. The right to enter for an MSV had been established in Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure v The University of London [2018] UKUT 356 (LC). At the hearing in Central St Giles, the MSV was no longer opposed and the one issue in dispute, the question of the terms of an indemnity, was resolved between the parties. The Deputy President Martin Rodger QC made orders for costs in favour of both site providers, but limited to £5,000. He indicated that MSV cases should not in future attract high legal costs, and reminded both sides of disputes under the Code of the obligation to co-operate. The overriding objective is to be taken seriously. 

The full judgment is here


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