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Falcon Chambers Seminars 2014

The seminars will last for an hour and will have a strong emphasis on participation and exchange of views between the professionals attending. They will commence with a talk from a member of Chambers on the relevant area of the law, focussing in particular on recent case law. Led by another member of Chambers, the participants will then consider the legal, procedural and commercial aspects of the topic. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the seminar.

Each seminar will start at 5.30pm. Full notes will be supplied and the seminars each carry a 1CPD rating. Please be aware that notes will only be provided to those who attend the seminar.

subjects & dates

21st January 2014

Possession claims and the Human Rights Act.

In the light of the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Malek v Fassenfelt, is it now possible to raise a Human Rights Act defence, even where the party claiming possession is a private landowner? Philip Sissons and Ciara Farley consider the recent case law in this field and offer some advice on the potential practical consequences when claiming possession orders of residential property.

The seminar will be led by Philip Sissons and Ciara Fairley.

26th February 2014

Service Charges

A look at some of the recent issues relating to residential and commercial service charges, including (a) the aftermath of Daejan and continuing issues for residential service charges, and (b) the operation of contractual machinery and use of expert determinations in commercial service charges.

The seminar will be led by Oliver Radley-Gardner.

25th March 2014

The Jackson era – Early Days

This talk will be of general interest to litigators, with a focus on relief from sanctions and costs budgeting following the Jackson reforms. Joe Ollech and Jamie Sutherland will review the case law already developing in this area, and consider the approach that judges appear to be adopting towards Precedent H forms, especially at County Court level.

The seminar will be led by Joe Ollech and Jamie Sutherland.

7th May 2014

Alternative remedies for mortgagees in a shaky market.

The seminar will consider the rights and potential liabilities of mortgagees depending upon which of their available remedies they pursue. The speakers will discuss: (a) Power of Sale, (b) Possession without exercising the power of sale and (c) the appointment of a Receiver.

The seminar will be led by Tamsin Cox and Kester Lees.

To book your place on the seminars e-mail seminars@falcon-chambers.com. The cost per seminar is £30 per person plus VAT. Numbers will be limited so early booking is recommended.

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