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Done Brothers (Cash Betting) Ltd v L&C Investments Ltd (2023)

Greville Healey recently acted for the successful tenant in Done Brothers (Cash Betting) Ltd v L&C Investments Ltd (20 June 2023), a business tenancy renewal trial before HHJ Charles Khan in the Manchester County Court.   The parties agreed all the terms of the tenancy apart from the rent, and so the trial turned on the evidence of the parties’ expert valuers.  The experts disagreed both over which comparables should be used, and also about what adjustments were appropriate to reflect the characteristics of the subject unit. Following cross-examination of the Defendant’s expert by Greville, the Judge wholly preferred the evidence of the Claimant’s expert, found that the new rent should be that proposed by the Claimant, and ordered the Defendant to pay all the Claimant’s costs.

The judgment is available here.

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