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Compton Beauchamp Estates Limited v Spence [2013] EWHC 1101 (Ch)

In Compton Beauchamp Estates Limited v Spence [2013] EWHC 1101 (Ch), Morgan J. determined, following an extensive review of the authorities concerning adequacy of reasons in various fields of the law, (1) the standard of reasons which an arbitrator should be expected to achieve in a reasoned arbitration award, and (2) the circumstances in which a failure by the arbitrator to give adequate reasons will give rise to a “serious irregularity” for the purposes of s. 68. The claim was an arbitration claim under s. 68 of the Arbitration Act 1996, concerning an arbitration award which determined the rent payable in relation to an agricultural holding under the provisions of the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986. Edward Peters acted for the landlord, Compton Beauchamp Estates.

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