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Caroline Shea Takes Silk

Caroline Shea Takes Silk

Caroline is ranked as a Leading Junior in both Real Estate Litigation and Agriculture and Rural Affairs. She is recognised as “highly intelligent”, “easy to deal with”, “very good with clients”, and “clever but personable, … not as common a mixture as perhaps it should be”, and as having “an enviable knowledge of complex areas of law and is a formidable advocate”, according to recent directories. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and in 2013 was invited to become a member of ARBRIX.

Caroline’s practice ranges over all areas of landlord and tenant, real property, agriculture and associated areas, where she is known for her uncompromising advocacy and commitment. Her caseload involves diverse property related issues including trusts, proprietary estoppel, easements, restrictive covenants, rent reviews, rectification, dilapidations, contractual interpretation, overage clauses, break clauses, and consent issues.

She has recently been involved in cases concerning proprietary estoppel (Rawlings v Chapman & Ors [2015] EWHC 3160 (Ch)), forfeiture and relief (Freifeld & Anor v West Kensington Court Ltd [2015] EWCA Civ 806 (a leading Court of Appeal decision on the relief jurisdiction)), prescription (Winterburn v Bennett [2015] UKUT 59 (TCC)), rights of way (Zieleniewski v Scheyd & Anor [2012] EWCA Civ 247) and break notices (Intergraph v Wolfson Microelectronics [2012] EWHC 1862 (Ch)).

As well as having lectured widely to professional associations and conferences throughout England and Wales, Caroline is a founding author of Burton on Appeals, a co-author of the Falcon Chambers publication on the Law and Practice of Charging Orders, and is a regular contributor to Practical Law on agricultural matters.

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