+44 (0)20 7353 2484 clerks@falcon-chambers.com


Anthony Radevsky represented the successful lessees in Chapman v Alaska Management Co Ltd

Anthony Radevsky represented the successful lessees in a recent collective enfranchisement case, Chapman v Alaska Management Co Ltd.


Nat Duckworth acts for the landlord in live/work planning case

The Court of Appeal has handed down judgment in AHGR v Kane-Laverack, a second appeal in which the issue was whether the term “live/work unit”, in a planning permission and a user covenant in a lease, meant “live and/or work” or “live and work”.


Kavish Shah has written in the Landlord & Tenant Review about Turner v Thomas [2022] EWCA Civ 1446

Kavish Shah has written in the Landlord & Tenant Review about Turner v Thomas [2022] EWCA Civ 1446 in which the Court of Appeal decided that a notice to quit addressed to the wrongly identified recipient cannot be saved by the Mannai principle.


Daniel Black and Fern Schofield discuss MEES on EG podcast

In this week's episode of EG's podcast "In on the Act", Daniel Black and Fern Schofield discuss the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard Regulations.


Published: Property Practitioner’s Guide to the First-tier Tribunal

Julia Petrenko, a barrister at Falcon chambers and Andrea Nicholls, a senior associate at Penningtons Manches Cooper, joined forces to write this practical guide to the procedural rules that apply to cases in the Property Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal